Additional Information About Astronomers/Astronomy


This page explains some additional info about astronomy and astronomers that don't fit very well into the previous topics that I have discussed!

What Types of Astronomers Are There?

In the field of astronomy, there are many different types of astronomers, each studying different objects and celestial bodies in space. Some of these astronomers include stellar astronomers, solar astronomers, galactic astronomers, extragalactic astronomers and cosmologists. Each one of these astronomer types are all centered around something around the universe, but every type of astronomer studies different things. Stellar astronomers study stars, solar astronomers study the sun, galactic astronomers study galaxies, extragalactic astronomers study galaxies and the elaborate structure of the universe, and cosmologists study the history and the origins of the universe.


Stages/Promotions of an Astronomer

There are a lot of promotion opportunities when working as an astronomer, or even as an astronomer's assistant. Beginner research assistants who have been spending most of their time researching and being productive overall may recieve a promotion known as "Senior Researchers". If you work hard enough and long enough, some assistants or astronomers can be promoted to supervisors or even managers, as long as they have years of experience in the field of Astronomy. This is why astronomers and assistants with Doctorate Degrees are mentioned more in the career of an astronomer, because it is much harder to get promoted if you only have an associate's degree, bachelor's degree, or even a master's degree, not to mention being hired as well.


The History of Astronomy

Astronomy is one of the oldest fields in science, mainly because this branch was made a long time ago, and it was one of the most exciting advancements on Earth at the time. It started when the Greeks started studying the stars to tell time, location, and seasons. Later on, the Greeks and other civilizations were able to create new inventions that only work if they are influenced by a celestial object. One of these examples is the sundial. The sundial is one of the earliest ways to tell the time of day that was ever made. It works by having the sun shine onto it, casting a shadow in which points to the time labeled on the sun dial.

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An Astronomer's Career

Works Cited/Citations

The following links below are the sources that were used to gather information and illustrations for this website! Feel free the explore these links if you are interested and want to learn more about this topic!

What Types of Astronomers Are There? (Source)

Stages/Promotions of an Astronomer (Source)

The History of Astronomy (Source)

Galaxies (Image)

Stars (Image)

Sundial (Image)